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  • Mule Connector for Amazon Polly

    In this blog post I will show how to build a Mule connector for the Amazon Polly service using the Mule Java SDK. What is MuleSoft (a business view)? MuleSoft unifies [...]

Software Development

JAX-RS: RESTful Web Services


Java EE 8: Only What's New

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Java EE 8: Only What's New

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Java EE 8: Only What's New

My new book covers all new and updated Java EE 8 APIs with code examples that demonstrate how each new feature works. I cover all these APIs:

    ✓ Security 1.0
    ✓ JSON Binding 1.0
    ✓ Servlet 4.0
    ✓ JAX-RS 2.1
    ✓ Bean Validation 2.0
    ✓ CDI 2.0
    ✓ JSF 2.3
    ✓ JSON Processing 1.1
    ✓ Java Persistence API 2.2

Only what's new is included, so you won't spend time reading what you already know, only what you don't.